Dr. Deborah Gilboa: Review Of Our Class

We had such a great class last night.
Dr. Deborah Gilboa: Entitlement Proof Our Kids: Teaching Kids To Pay It Forward

Dr. G did it again! All of us are worried about the fact that our kids seem to feel so entitled. They want every toy and gadget that they see, and they always seem to act as if the world revolves around them. Dr. G., helped us understand why we are seeing this behavior in our kids. She also gave practical, simple and easy to implement ideas on how to combat our children’s feeling of entitlement and in doing so, teach them to be resilient and responsible.

I learned the following:

  • One of our jobs as parents is to teach children to open up their world view and see beyond themselves.
  • We can start teaching our children to “pay it forward” when they are very young- the toddler age
  • 4 simple ways children can contribute at every age
  • What one mom did to effectively stop the “gimmes” in her house
  • What to do if your kid does not want to “pay it forward” and get involved

Learning new and innovative parenting techniques that are simple and practical is what  ParentingSimply.com is all about. That is why I have asked Dr. Deborah Gilboa to keep on coming back.

Missed the live class?

You can still get the audio here:

Dr. Deborah Gilboa: Entitlement Proof Our Kids: Teaching Kids To Pay It Forward

Here are some of the resources Dr. G mentioned in her class:

www.askdoctorg.com/free-resources/ for the community service guide

www.youtube.com/askdocg for my parenting tips

www.askdoctorg.com/buy-doctorg-book/ for my current book and upcoming books

For an article about her family’s experience in Thailand, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-g/volunteering-with-kids_b_2361283.html

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