Bullying Prevention: 3 Surefire Ways To Bully Proof Your Child



We had a great class last night with Amy Burzinski, LISW-S.

Amy answered the following questions:

1.Who is a bully?
2. Do we have to start from scratch when thinking and planning on how to deal with bullying behavior?
3. What about the concept of “Zero Tolerance?” Is it effective?

4. What works in bullying prevention?

5. What about intention? What if one saids, ” I didn’t mean to hurt her….”
6. What should you do and say to a child that is the target of bullying behavior?
7. What should you do with the child that is engaging in bullying behavior?
8. What may motivate a child to engage in bullying behavior?
9. Should a parent of a child being bullied intervene by speaking directly with the parent of the child engaging in bullying behavior? Why or why not?
10 .What is the message that is important for children to learn and understand?
I was surprised to learn that “Zero Tolerance” policies are not really effective.
Amy also gave us hope that bullying can be stopped in our schools and neighborhoods. She cited interesting parallels that proved her point.
Most important, Amy outlined the 3 things your child needs so that they develop and immunity to any type of bullying.
You don’t want to miss this fabulous audio:

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