Review of Class 2: Speaking to Your Child’s Heart While Encouraging Responsibility

This past week was our 2nd “Parenting Simply” Class.

We discussed the following topics:

-We don’t need to make sure our children are happy all the time.
-Giving children healthy outlets for their difficult feelings.
-The psychological paradox of child development.
-Use empathy to set limits and maintain your authority in your home.
-Managing Temper Tantrums
-How to teach children to stop emotionalizing everything.

Sneak Peak At Next Week:

-How to help your kids to really listen
-Learn to stop negative communication patterns
-Learn clever communication techniques to get your kids attention

More stuff on empathy:

Carl Rogers an eminent psychotherapist, in his book, On Becoming a Person,
(1961 pp. 26-27) comments on the power of empathy:

“If I can create a relationship characterized on my part:
by a genuineness and transparency, in which I am my real feelings;
by a warm acceptance of and prizing of the other person as a separate
By a sensitive ability to see his world and himself as he sees them;
then the other individual in the relationship:
will experience and understand aspects of himself which
previously he has repressed;
will find himself becoming better integrated, more able to
function effectively;
will become more similar to the person he would like to be;
will be more self-directing and self-confident;
will become more of a person, more unique and more self
will be more understanding, more acceptant of others;
will be more able to cope with the problems of life more
adequately and more comfortably.”

Let us know how you have put your new skills to work.
We would love to hear your success stories and questions.
Post your opinion here.


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