Our Master Parenting Class is right around the corner. We have 4 awesome speakers, Aurelia Williams, Jane Nelsen, Amy Speidel and Howard Glasser.
Check it out here. https://backup.parentingsimply.com/wordpress/products/summer-master-class/
Aurelia Williams is the first speaker for our Summer Master Parenting Conference on July 9, 9-10 pm EST. I am really excited to hear what she has to say about:
Talking To Your Teens About The Tough Stuff
Aurelia hosts Parenting My Teen Podcast. The Internet radio show that was birthed from Aurelia’s desire to help parents of teenagers get through the trying, yet most crucial time of their child’s life. As a mother of 3 herself, along with raising her now 21 year old brother, Aurelia isn’t just a mother who has been there, done that. She’s been there, done that…3 times and before it’s all said and done, she will have raised 4 strong, independent, and respectable teenagers who have grown into adults she and her husband will be proud to call their children.
In the meantime, here is what Aurelia says about the benefits of Teens having summer
They Learn Money Management Skills:
“While teens do not typically have expenses such as a mortgage, groceries, and home maintenance and repairs, they do have things they want or need to spend money on. When you earn money yourself, you tend to appreciate it more, and teens may develop a sense of just how money works. If you spend it on one thing, you can’t spend it on another, and once it’s spent it’s gone. This is a basic concept that even some adults have never learned!”
Here is what Aurelia says about strengthening the Parent/Teen relationship:
Let Your Teen Be Themselves:
It is very important to value your teenagers unique personality and individuality. While it is more likely that as an adult, your teen will model your actions and behavior, but right now they are teens trying to discover themselves. Just remember blue hair grows out, bad music is temporary, and most adults with jobs don’t still wear saggy pants.”
Here are some “Don’ts” that Aurelia recommends when talking to teens:
DON’T Dictate:
While you may have the wisdom of age and experience, don’t forget that an essential process along the journey to adulthood is choosing your own paths and learning to overcome mistakes. Be sure not to dictate to your child what they should or should not do. If they come to you with a situation, be there to guide them through any difficult life choices, but resist any assumption that you ‘know best’. In particular, avoid using patronizing language, such as saying anything along the lines of ‘When I was your age…’ If you do this you’ll sound like an annoying old nag; in which case, how will your advice sound relevant to them? This step can be hard for many parents and you may have to bite your tongue, but with some gentle guidance, your child just may rise to the occasion and surprise you with some great decisions.
I can’t wait to gain some more wisdom from Aurelia on July 9, 9-10PM at her talk:
Talking To Your Teens About The Tough Stuff
You can sign up here:
Summer Master Parenting Class