The Best Parenting Techniques: A Day In The Life Of A Parent Educator

I love teaching parenting classes for many reasons. One of them is self-serving. I teach for my own sake. The more I teach the skills and techniques that help parents become effective communicators with kids, the more I use those techniques and skills myself.

That being said, it is not always easy to practice what you preach. Today, though, I had a decent morning.

In a cheery but firm voice, I gave information:

“Backpacks belong on hooks.”

“The bus will be here in 7 minutes.”

“Baseball cleats belong in the mudroom.”

I wanted to yell about the dirt that the cleats left in the front hall but instead I focused on the positive:

“I appreciate that you put your cleats away right when I asked.”

I delivered empathy to my kids:

“You are having a hard time figuring out what you want for lunch. Nothing really appeals to you…”

“You wish that you didn’t have to strip your sheets today. You wish it was Monday morning, instead of Friday.”

I was empathetic with myself:

“Getting everything ready in the morning can be a challenge. You will be done before you know it.”

I praised descriptively:

“You are all ready to go. Backpack, shoes on, you are right on time. Have a great day!”

Not bad, not bad…

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