Bedtime Battles: Simple Ways To Help Your Child Stay In Bed: Part 2


The other day we started answering the following question from one of our Parenting Simply parents:
Dear Adina,
You told us to write of our challenges with our kids. Well here is our biggest issue:
Getting our little one to get into bed AND STAY IN BED at the proper bedtime. She is 2. This has been the impossible task for us! It is getting better, but it ALWAYS a struggle, every night. We stay with her just for so long at this point and forewarn her that Mommy and Daddy will not be staying until she falls asleep. So, at least 7 or more times, she jumps out of bed and walks out of her room. What can we do?

Here are 4 more ideas of what you can do:

1. Put them back in a crib:

If the above doesn’t work then you can always put them back in their crib. It does not have to be done in a punitive way. You can say:
“I think we are going to go back into the crib. When you are ready to stay in your bed without coming out, we will put you back in the bed.”
If your child can climb out of the crib, you can buy one of those nettings that goes over the crib.

2. Put them back into bed with very little fanfare:

If the stickers don’t work then every time your child comes out of bed you say only 3 words, “Time for bed” and take them firmly, but quietly back to bed.

This takes a little bit longer than the whole sticker routine, but if you give them minimal attention they realize that this is no fun and they start complying.

3. Make their bed time a little later:

You might want to rethink her bed time. She might not be that tired. If you put her to sleep later, she might be more tired and more compliant.

4.Take turns with your spouse:

If you find yourself becoming frustrated, discuss how you are going to manage bed time with your spouse. Speak about which techniques you will try. Then you both will be on the same page. Consistency helps. She will know that she is up against a team. Then when one of you is frustrated the person who is still fresh can step in. This way you can both be on your game when you figure out a technique that works for you.

Good Luck, it is tricky. Keep a positive attitude and one day when they are a teenager, they won’t give you trouble in this area.


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