One Simple Way To Nurture Your Family

Sometimes we can be so hard on ourselves.
We tend to say things like:

“I am such a bad Mom!”
“I forgot to send the permission slip!”
“Why am I still in my pajamas?”
“I only served one vegetable at dinner!”

It is normal. But it can bring us down. As mothers we can be so hard on ourselves. It is better if we spend our time fostering a positive mindset. That means, instead of focusing on all that we do wrong, we need to focus on what we do right.

“I am a good Mom most of the time!”
“I usually remember to sign permission slips. I will write it down on my list and send it in tomorrow.”
“I am doing myself a kindness by relaxing this morning.”
“I served one vegetable and no one ate it. Maybe tomorrow, I will try to make sure to serve a vegetable or fruit that all the kids like.”

It might sound silly but it really works. Once we start focusing on the positive our world starts to look a lot brighter. Our moods get lighter. Not only that, it’s contagious. If we are gentle and positive with ourselves we will be more positive and gentle with our kids and our spouses. It is a simple but great way to nurture ourselves and our families.

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