Review of Class 1: Speaking To Your Child’s Heart While Encouraging Responsibility

This past Tuesday was our first “HOW TO TALK SO KIDS WILL LISTEN WORKSHOP.” We are off to a great start.

We discussed the following topics:
1. Why it is so hard to empathize with our children.
3. Parents feel that children get upset over trivial matters and we try to teach them that they should not get upset over little things. We spoke about the need to accept and empathize with children even about the little things in life.
4. 5 skills that help us empathize with our children.

When we accept children’s feelings we show respect for our children’s emotions, we open up the channels of communication, we create relationship-building moments and we encourage children to take responsibility for their actions and come up with solutions to their every day problems.

-We don’t need to make sure our children are happy all the time.
-Use empathy to set limits and maintain your authority in your home.
-Managing Temper Tantrums

I hope you enjoyed.

Adina Soclof, MS. CCC-SLP

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