The Best Parenting Technique: Laugh With Your Children

We all remember the times where we laughed so hard we almost cried. There is no better way to connect with others. Family and friends bond over a good laugh.  Not only that, it is now a known fact, laughter is the best medicine. Researchers have found that laughter:

  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Reduces stress hormones
  • Increases muscle flexion
  • Boosts immune function
  • Releases endorphins-the body’s natural painkiller
  • Produces a sense of well-being
  • Is aerobic- it works out the diaphragm and increases oxygen flow
  • Fights infection, cancer and diabetes

Remember to laugh with your family not at them. Create moments where you are sure to chuckle:

  • Watch a funny movie
  • Make funny faces
  • Play peek a boo
  • Get Silly
  • Play charades
  • Have family jokes
  • Act goofy
  • Visit the circus
  • Sing silly songs
  • Watch old family movies
  • Read joke books
  • Eat dinner together and share the funniest moment of your day
  • Tell your children the funny things they did as babies
  • Laugh at yourself
  • Play dress up
  • Share your silliest memories

Laughing with your family is the best way to build your relationship and  make lasting positive connections. We all can use a good laugh now and then. In our busy lives let’s not forget how important laughter really is.

Let’s get started now, tell us your funniest parenting moment.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

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