MotherStyles: What Do You Do Best?

Recently, there have been a number of  new scientific studies discussing ways to  help people find  “authentic happiness”. Researchers report that, “utilizing one’s strengths correlates with greater creativity, productivity, and excellence – all ingredients of professional and career success. On the personal side, maximizing the use of personal strengths yields greater happiness and feelings of well-being”.
We can apply this principle to our parenting. According to Janet Penley of “Mother Styles”, the mother who understands her unique strengths through her knowledge of her  personality type will be more comfortable and confident in her parenting abilities. She will be more productive and will be able to better interact with her children and parent more effectively. She and her children will exhibit greater happiness and well-being.
Penley helps mother’s discover their personality type. She explains how each mother will exhibit one of each of the four different personality preferences:
Thinking/ Feeling

Penley  discusses the strengths of each personality preference. She also highlights the struggles mothers may have depending on their personality and gives tips on how to manage those difficulties.
Knowing our personality style gives us insight into the things that we are naturally good at. It helps energize and vitalize us. To increase our joy, contentment and pleasure in our children and our families we can cultivate and understand our personality type. To help you discover more about your motherstyle you may want to take this quiz:

When you are finished come back and let us know what you thought.

Lopper, J. (2009) Personal Growth and Development with Strengths. Retrieved 5/1/10.
Penley, J. (2006). MotherStyles. MA: Perseus Book Group

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